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100 000/10.
I don't even have to listen to it, to know I'll love it. You, my dear, are amazing!
I love Portal, so hard.
After The Fall -Two Steps From Hell.
I feel like I've been transported into a enchanted forest
Kelly Clarkson-long shot
I like it a lot but I don't know how many times I could listen to it befor I got sick of it.
Manafest - Fire In the Kitchen
7/10 no comment
Twist my hips- (Maker forgot. you'll see it)
3/10 no comment
nicki minaj stupid hoe
Er... she rhymes well?
Honestly, I couldn't take the first 30 seconds of the song.
Some Days - The Maine
newsboys- Gods not dead.
I like the rhythm and the tune but I'm not quite sure about the voice.
Listen to:
【VOCA★FUSION】 Between the sheets 【Vivid Chemistry】
7.5/10 I don't know what I think about the song but I love to dance to this one on Just Dance 3 too! So much fun!!
Too Close - Alex Clare
This one was on a Mickrosoft comershal and I loved it. Now I listen too it all the time.
Last edited by shadowchild3 (15-04-2012 17:23:29)
8.5/10 for song
The video was super super cute! Loved it and I will rate it (Don't tell me I can't do this) 100/10
Manafest - Prison Brack
Shiva, you should watch a video (SMS (Shine) by David Crowder Band.) if you like that one so mutch you will like this one. : )
Terrific.! :good:
The Wanted - Glad You Came :love:
!0/10 Love it! :love:
Someone like you ~ Adele
I know that song by HEART, So I know that it is by far, THE MOST powerful song ever.!!!:love: :love: 100,000,000/10 :love: :love:
Nicole Scherzinger ~ Right There :bisous:
8/10 i am not very fond of Nicole
Buy a dog by Luce
5/10 i liked it half...
How about Gwen Stefani - Sweet Escape...
I say 7/10...
Wake up - Hilary Duff
7/10 I don't like much of Hillary Duff's songs, but that's a pretty OK song. :good:
Hurt - Christina Aguilera
7/10 no comment.
Manafest- pushover (You should watch the video)
nikkzscreams wrote:
I like the rhythm and the tune but I'm not quite sure about the voice.
Listen to:
【VOCA★FUSION】 Between the sheets 【Vivid Chemistry】
*gasp* you don't like Michal Tait?!?!
Wow! I REALLY liked that song :3 I gotta get some iTunes money first, but I'm definitely going to get some of Manafest's songs :] Thaanks for introducing me Mallorygoodwin!
Want U Back- Cher Lloyd :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: