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Sort of like Something stupid I did today was...
But it's a cheery happy side and state what you have achieved and why your are proud
... I beat my running record this morning, I ran half way through the village to my friends house without stopping.
I'm at episode 24 of Naruto! :love:
:star: ....I finished 30 chocolate chip cookies all by myself! :star:
I slept till 1.00 today :lol:
I did nothing. That is a big accomplishment
... I translated perfectly from my Grandmother to my younger brother. Then she said that I need to practice speakin with my brother since we both need to work on our language skills.
....I got my sister to help me clean our room
...won the post till a mod posts post!!
Made Oreo Milkshake! :fete:
I watched episodes 9-22 of Fairy Tail! (Yeah, I'm proud of that.)
Read a Snape/Hermione fanfic without killing myself! :fete:
Don't get me wrong.. I do kinda ship them but this particular one was noooooot so great. But I read it completely! Soo yea. I'm proud. :P
Lol, I hate that ship.
I drew a picture of a manga character that would be me if I was in Fairy Tail. I'm quite proud of that.
I wanna see it Spi!
I ate 3 meals today! That is a huge accomplishment for someone who normally eats one! :D
Lol, I'll get it up here some how.
I successfully did a bridge for a minute and a half.
Hum.. What else did I do?..
You made me smile!
Huh? I did? O.O I MADE SPI SMILE!!
You did it!!! YAY!!!
Heheh. :D
I woke up pretty early!~
I slept in!
Listed my ships. :]