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sis00 wrote:
Easy ! Just describe anything about the person above you.
~* Rules *~
- Describe nicely about the person above you
- Don't lie
- Never use chat texts (e.g: u, nvr, etc)
- Be happy !
~* How to start *~
- Let's say the person above me is ABC123.
- Describe her/his this way:
-- She/he is 10 years old.
Now, describe something about me :3
Start ~
You have a new icon!! O:
You registered two years ago!!
Your usename is riscattare.
Your doll is in the Fantastic World room.
She is member of OMD.
You like sponge bob?
You stalk me!!!!
Yeah!!! Your a mod that has been trying to stop us and yet again failed...
You have a dancing Pikachu in your post... *is mesmerized*
You live in Sky World :3
Nicer than nice.
Aww you really think so?
An amazing writer:bisous:
Fantastic artist! :D
Aw, thanks angel!
Good at creating dolls (have I ever told you how much I like yours?)
Me? :3 you like my dolls? Or are you talking to Angel?
You're very nice Spider :]
You have 1D in your icon and siggy.
You have currently 1953 posts on OMD
You changed your icon and sig.
You have a very pretty avatar that i want lol!
@cullen - you like my drawings?? And the dolls i have??? Well you learn something new evryday. Lol thank you!!
@spider - your welcome :)
Oh no, Angel, YOU have a pretty avi that I want!
Campanella wants angelfire's avatar! GO steal it! Lol.... (juz kiddin)