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You are defined as crazy but adorable
You don't use Text Talk. :fete:
(Oh my gosh, that is really All you could come up with Spider? REALLY??)
cullen97 wrote:
Me? :3 you like my dolls? Or are you talking to Angel?
You're very nice Spider :]
You. :good: :good:
Last edited by spiderwick9 (30-06-2012 22:09:53)
There's grren in your icon and siggy. (too sleepy to say anything intelligent)
Your very sleepy.
You're from Butterfly land.
Your carefree!
You have the same culture as me!!!! Desi?
You design clothes and draw.
Your right spider...i dont!!! i rather full words!!!
You are everywhere i look on oh my dollz forums!! haha
Your just noticed and your msterious
Your username is ivy020 (I'mmm tiiiirrrreeeeddddd.)
You currently have 446 posts.
Your username has camp in it. :D
Your username always reminds me of the Spiderwick Chroniclees. I read those when I was younger.
You have read what I thought no one else in this world was read, so therefore you are AWESOMEEEE!!!! No, seriously, you're pretty cool.
Yeah, I read those, in case you couldn't tell.
Last edited by spiderwick9 (09-07-2012 23:15:47)
You've got grren all over your sig and icon.
Heehee, I can faintly remember since I was still in elementary school and stumbled upon it in the library.
Your from sky world, which doesn't exist
You have 804 post at the moment.
@ campanella, Haha, awsome. :gai: :mdr: :applau:
You registered a year after me.
You have 2,085 posts (Whoa, really?).
I'm waiting for someone to describe me as : Someone who plays this game too much.(>.<)
You got number of my posts wrong
Your icon is animated! O:
campanella has yellow avatar.
You have a chibi in your sig.