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Crystalmethequins - Homestuck Bandcamp.
((Gosh this song is so cool plus Pumpkin Party in Sea Hitler's Water Apocalypse. Just woah, awesome remixes <3 <3))
Metallica - One
Nightwish - Storytime!!!
Believe It by Cimorelli & then Beauty & A Beat by Justin Bieber! XD
The 10 hour version of the Excalibur song <3
lol shiva, I watched that last night. LMAO
Last edited by icefoxes (16-08-2013 08:06:16)
Who I am - Jason Gray <3
Black Sabbath - Iron Man
Hurricane - B.A.P
I'm on a baby, I'm on a baby~
Da loof, Da loof, Da loof iz on fire!
Sara Ramirez ~ The Universe and You
This song and my feels goes perfectly with my new OTP Bonnie and Damon from VD. <3
Slow Down by Selena Gomez
Sing My Love - Kim Walker
My parents put it on, not me.
Ellie Goulding ~ Burn.
Heartbreaker by Justin Bieber. :star:
The Perishers ~ Nothing like you and I.
Huh.. It might make a good shipping song for Snow and Charming..
Young Volcanoes-Fall Out Boy
I'm listening to this while making an awesome drawing on a certain website using Goggles, bloodyemos mentioned Goggles on the board so i decided to get it! It's fun. :)
P!nk - Raise Your Glass
Cameron- Jillette Johnson
Here's To Never Growing Up by Avril Lavigne and then The Other Side by Jason Derulo.
Green Day - American Idiot
Somebody That I Used to Know - Goyte
A song written by my true love. Or, at least I like to think he's my true love. Sigh.