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Not really, I'm mostly online x3
Are you a morning person?
I would like to, but I have to face the reality: i'm too lazy xD So no, i'm not a morning person :P
Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?
Yes, A boyfriend. :)
Do you like to cook.?
yeah :)
Do you study french at school?
No, but i had to two years was painful
Have you ever watched something and weren't satified with the ending? If so what was it?
A number of movies, actually. But Imma mention just one here. In the movie Inception, where they just end off at the part where the spinning thingy starts spinning, so you're left wondering if he's still in his dream state, or in reality. Sort of frustrating, really. :honte:
Do you have one song that you keep (on your ipod, mp3, etc. but never delete), but you hardly listen to it.? If so, what is it.?
haha...Is this a joke? All my songs in my ipod are the ones I keep, never listen to, and never delete. 300+ songs. I still can't delete them. All the english ones at least.
It's sad really
Do you ever get bored of a game but keep playing it since there's nothing else to do? If so which one? (If it's a non-feerik website, don't put '.xxx' on it)
LoL really.?! O.O
CoCo Girl on Facebook. :honte:
Are you claustrophobic.?
yep :ouf:
Not really...but sometimes I wish I was.
Do you ever misspell board with bored or vise-versa?
Used to, but now I'm much better at it since I don't have to actually write much. I just have to type now. :mdr:
Do you have any pets.? if so what are they.?
Last edited by amaryllis-love (30-08-2012 18:29:03)
None, You know my mom will suffocate if she sees a cat -.-
Are you stalking me?
Always. :mdr:
Do you want me to stop stalking you.? :mdr:
Not really! XD I like a stalker! I always wanted one!
Do you have a pizza with you now??
Oh, I WISH.! :honte:
Do you like Butterscotch Ice cream.?
I'm going to taste it ^^
are you attending the school ?
(I'm not °° 'cos it starts on september 17th **)
Not yet, but I am next tuesday :honte:
Do you like the season fall?
Not really. Its weird here.
Do you like winter? (It's my favorite season)
Are you a stalker? Be honest. :mdr:
Last edited by mallorygoodwin (31-08-2012 02:26:58)
Lol yes! Im serious. Stalking people is so fun
Do you have a favorite juice?
Do you sometimes wish you were in a movie.? :mdr:
Yes!! But in way that my life was a movie not me being an actress in a movie...
Did that make sense? <-- this is the question
Absolutely. :mdr:
Do you like butterflies.? (I don't)
I love them!
Are you a good friend?
Maybe.. Maybe not.. Depends who I'm friends with.
Do you ever try to lick your elbow?
Do you have a lot of friends? I don't. :pleur: the ones I do, they're all on line... down side of homeschooling.