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not really. Even though I feel like I'm supposed to be lol
Do you want to study something your parents dont want you to? What is it?
Hmm.. my mom doesn't want me to do a degree in Art. And I wanna do it. :honte: But I like what I'm doing right now. (business management)
Are you a rebel? (against your parents, school, etc)
Ahem... wait... why don't I know the answer to that question? (Mind blows up)
Do you like most of the OMD adventures?
Not really. The only one by far that I liked was the *Apocalypse Now* quest. Loved the gifts.
Are you okay with the "Star doll" thing OMD got going on?
Last edited by amaryllis-love (05-09-2012 15:02:58)
Yep! I think it's a good idea
Do you have a phone?
Yep I own 2 mobiles..
Do you like My Chemical Romance?
I've heard of them but never really listened to their music
Do you like/love anime?
Are you eating right now?
Do you want to go cliff diving? (I do)
Are you thinking about nothing? Cuz I am...
umm... yes im thinking of noting :)
do you like broccoli?
Ew no.
Do you have a blog of your own?
Are you driving a peanut car full of jelly and honey?
Um... noooo. :honte:
Do you like TFK?
What's TFK??
Do you like spicy chicken pizza with extra extra cheese??
Haha you kidding?? You get that?! Yeah so want it right now.
Are you from the place thats written under your avatar?
Yepp! I'm apparently Winnie the Pooh.
Are you a teenager?
Yesh I am. I'm 15. 4 months till my birthday!!
Are you a computer addict?
Well, concerning it's my field of study. I'd say yes!
Do you like babysitting?
never tried it.
do you like angelfire! i don't like her. i have to live with her until she goes off to college then im going to celebrate! :norm:
haha...Sisterly love! Yes! She's one of the coolest people I met on OMD.
Do you ever wonder if you ever had an evil twin? (Random much, but well, do you?)
I'm the evil twin if there is...and Angel happens to be my good twin, lolz.
Are you interested in food?
Like as a job? No...To eat? Yes!
OMG! You guys are so sweet :3 except musiam but I expected that from her XD
Do you ever have those days where you wish for something but the exact opposite happens?
Yuup. And it happens too often.
Do you have a crush ? :lvers:
Well.. kinda.
Are you an Octopus?