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do you like xfactor?
Do you prefer remixes of songs or the original song?
Do you like playing in the mud?
YES!!! Once my friend was at my house and it was raining, so we went outside with my little sister and had a mud-ball fight and got soaking wet and we looked like human shaped chocolate bars! (Ah, good times!)
Have you ever eaten play-do, just to find out how it tastes?
~ WHAM! I got u with mud! :mdr:
Are you a brunette?
Are you a blond?
Do you like snickers?
do you watch how I met your mother?
Do you like Fergie?
Umm... nooooo.
Do you like music videos?
Nope, I prefer lyric vids.
Do you like chocolate?
Lemme think about that YES!! :mdr:
Are you an alien O.o
Yup, I hail from the planet cheese.
Do you like cheese?
Do you want to be famous?
Nope.. Weell, a bit of whale and walrus opera singing here and there.
Do you like Opera?
oh , no .
are you a belieber?
Are you a swifter?
Definitely not.
Do you like 1D?
I like some of their songs. But about the band, I don't hate them neither do I like them. Wait, is that right?
Anyway, do you easily cry when watching heart touching movies?
YES. I cry at almost any heart felt scene. Happy and sad.
Are you a legal adult?
Do you even want to ask that?
Do you like chicken?
Do you think that starships were NOT meant to fly?
Last edited by amaryllis-love (25-12-2012 13:41:08)
Are you a stalker?