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The awkward moment when you walk into a room and forget what you are doing there.
That awkward moment when you go through stuff you kept from ages ago and realize it's all useless junk you don't even remember.
That awkward moment when the whole family is watching a movie, and it comes to a kissing scene, and everyone is silent, like SUPER silent, just staring at the screen.
The awkward moment when you accidentally click on an ad and it transport you to a very disturbing site.. :sad:
The awkward moment when Harry is the only student with glasses.
... wait, WHAT?
Last edited by spiderwick9 (28-08-2013 23:59:16)
That awkward moment you realize that Daniel Rad is shorter than everyone in the cast, except the one playing Prof Flitwick.
That awkward moment when nobody gets your reference and you just sit there waiting for someone to make a reference to the same thing. Nobody ever does! D:
That awkward moment when you knock somebody out just for saying Hi.
The awkward moment when you don't have your mother's eyes.
That awkward moment when your mother doesn't have your mother's eyes when she was little.
The awkward moment when you realize you've been going the wrong way.
The awkward moment when you are riding up/down in an elevator with a very cute guy, and he's on the phone with his potential girlfriend.
The awkward moment when your mom notices you staring at a guy..
That awkward moment when you notice your mom eyeballing a guy.
That awkward moment when your step-dad meets your real dad.
That awkward moment when your dad has to explain to whoever is his boss in the army why his toenails are hot pink.
(My best friend painted her dad's toes while he was asleep XD)
That awkward moment when your step mom is close friends with your mom.
That awkward moment when you are playing online with a friend and you at some point fall sleep on them. ;;
That awkward moment when the whole class is loud and you have to scream,"MISS!" at the top of your lungs to get your teacher's attention and then the whole class quiets down in the middle of the word, which makes the word you scream turn into "".
The awkward moment you are derping with your best bud and your crush is staring at you the entire time.
That awkward moment when you are making silly faces in the mirror then see people staring at you like you're crazy.
Last edited by icefoxes (31-08-2013 22:39:10)
That awkward moment when you're making silly faces at a baby and their mother catches you in the act.
That awkward moment when you accidentally walk into the wrong math class.