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So naturally, this faction has been created for us fellow Fullmetal Alchemist fans to unite and obsess together over one of the greatest animes/mangas ever created. Hosted by yours truly, quite possibly the most overly obsessed person there is. <3
All club functions and activities will take place on my alternative account, Winry-Rockbell. Our main page will also be hosted there, too.
Please, fill out the following:
Doll using-
Preferred nickname-
Favourite character-
Edward or Alphonse?-
Angel (Angelfire)
Aurora (Fasionstar)
Malux (Malu)
Marissa (Meribella)
Rhea (Rheasilvia)
-Under Construction-
Doll using- Malu
Preferred nickname- Malux
Favourite character- Olivier Mira Armstrong & Riza Hawkeye.
Edward or Alphonse?- Alphonse
EDIT~ How could i have Riza Hawkeye?
Last edited by malu (13-08-2012 06:51:19)
May I join? :love:
Doll using- Meribella
Preferred nickname- Marissa
Favourite character- Shao May & May Chang
Edward or Alphonse?- Edward
Last edited by meribella (11-08-2012 10:19:52)
Doll using- Fasionstar
Preferred nickname- Auora
Favourite character- Roy Mustang and Alphonse <3
Edward or Alphonse?- Edward
Last edited by fasionstar (11-08-2012 17:18:52)
We love you too rare!~
Doll using - angelfire
Preferred nickname- Angel
Favourite character- Maes Hughes
Edward or Alphonse?- edward
Looks like theres an fma sig attack on the boards. And i think i found the source :)
And just when i was going to change my set to fma...
Woooo, join the club! :ok:
Last edited by malu (11-08-2012 21:45:48)
Omo, omo, omo, how can I not be a part of this?! :D
Doll using- rheasilvia
Preferred nickname- Rhea
Favourite character- It's so hard to choose! I love them all :pleur: Riza Hawkeye? I think.
Edward or Alphonse?- Edward
rarity wrote:
Rhea, we should be related or something. Why do you love everything I do?! <3
Yay, I found my long lost twin! :D
Just don't mind the age difference and different parents and stuff. Modern genetics is so advanced!
I will! I just have to find a new inspiration.
What do you think...Hughes or Roy?
Roy :love:
Roy is cute but I like Hughes better.. :quoi: I think Roy is better for you :ok:
It all depends on who you like more! :norm:
That'd be cool :)
can i join? i love fullmetal alchemist! ♥
Doll using-tiffanny
Preferred nickname-tiffanny
Favourite character-Roy Mustang and Olivier Mira Armstrong
Edward or Alphonse?-Edward
Last edited by tiffanny (18-07-2013 23:22:42)
I hope it's not too late to join?
Doll using- spiderwick9
Preferred nickname- Spi
Favourite character- Envy (Guilty)
Edward or Alphonse?- Edward.
Is this still going on?
I hipe so. :D
I still havent watched pass ep 40 on FMAB
I haven't gotten far on FMA:B, but I've watched all of FMA. I'm on episode 22 of FAM:B, I believe.
Oooh! I'd like to join, please!
Doll using: Subway1
Preferred Name: North (I personally think that Oliver looks more like a North to me!)
Favorite Character: Oliver! Oliver ALL THE WAY! Boy character: Roy 100%!
Edward or Alphonse: Edward 100%! But Roy, IMO, is MUCH cuter than both of them.
Doll using- xemoxrockerx
Preferred nickname- xemo/xem
Favourite character- Envy
Edward or Alphonse?- Edward