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*Makes my own CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES* *Shares with every one except Mallory*
*doesn't care, too busy being dead*
*Buries mallory, Katniss style* (katniss style as in the way she said fair-well to Rue in the Hunger Games) :mdr:
*blushes because I never read those....* hehehe. he........he...... hew.....
*Explains how Katniss sang to Rue(12 year old) her lullaby song, laid her to rest, gathered flowers and strewn them all around Rue all the time crying her eyes out*
*Smiles because now I get it... even though I'm dead. :lol: *
*lols at mallory's dead body.. even though she's dead* Malu waves bye as she happily skips away to bed* :mdr:
*Eats the piece of brownie that Mallory gave us, looks at Malu then laughs at her face* Poor you Malu, Mallory didn't share anything with you! :mdr:
Last edited by saffirelle (31-08-2012 22:28:47)
*Laughs at Malu with Saffirelle*
Sshh.! Don't tell her I did that, even though she's sitting right next to me. :mdr:
*hysterically laughs at everything that has gone one*
*Gets a sudden urge to dance with a hula hoop* Is that what its called.? :mdr:
Yep Amary. *I says*
*then yells*
She came in this morning from California. A couple thousand miles away. She'll be here till Friday!
*Hugs Bloody in excitement for her* :gai:
*Sings ol' McDonald had a farm* :mdr:
*sings along with pica, annoying Malu in turn coz she's bored* :mdr:
*Gives Amary twenty cookies and twenty brownies* Anyone else want some?
Mallory.!! :gai:
*Gives mallory a tight bear hug and eats everything.* :mdr:
*Drags mallory into the fountain and starts splashing pica* I LOVE CHOCOLATE.!
*Laughs and splashes everybody!* I never thought anyone would do this!
*Shoots chocolate, fire-style jutsu style at pica* my naruto inhibitions are kicking in. :mdr: