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ice cream o3o (We must have a conversation about cheesecake sometime...)
Would you rather do homework or chores?
[Yesss <3 I like lemon cheesecake the most. :3]
Hmm, that's a tough one.. Chores I guess. I might learn to love it, but I can never love doing homework!
Would you rather attempt to eat the world's largest cookie or the world's largest cake?
Would you rather only read the rest of your life, or only listen to music?
tough one... Um, read? My ears might go deaf. :P
Would you rather be in a coma, or have amnesia?
Coma. Cause then if I ever wake up I'll still know my password for OMD XD
Would you rather have blackberry cheesecake <3 or raspberry?
Would you rather live in Fairy Tale, or Fullmetal Alchemist?
FMA ftw yo.
would you rather live in Narnia or Middle Earth?
Middle Earth.
Would you rather live on a roof with pigeons or under a porch with a raccoon?
Porch with a raccoon. XD
Would you rather have berries or citrus?
Hmm.. tough question.. I'm gonna go with Berries. :D
Would you rather dance than sing?
No. I suck at both but singing is more fun.
Would you rather eat an octopus or a tub of butter? (cause that's totally what normal people eat)
Octopus! Their meat is delicious. :D
Would you rather be a giant, or a troll?
Troll. Don't even ask why, I couldn't tell you.
Would you rather Be a successful director, or a successful author?
Would you rather be a potato or a tomato? (What is with me and food? XD)
Tomato!! Dun know why, but I luv tomatoes <3
Would you rather be a pink-skinned person or a red one??
...Red, then I can go around scaring my parents and 5 year old bro. xD
Would you rather eat slugs than puke slugs?
eat slugs lol
Would you rather be a spider or an elephant ;D?
..Is it more worth it to be feared than to be hunted?..
I guess I'll take spider! Maybe I can be a descendant of Aragorg. :P
Would you rather be a person with no past, or a person with no future?
No past. NO futer would be... :pleur:
Would you rather be succsessful in a music type that you hate, of fail in one you love (if you were a musician)?
Last edited by spiderwick9 (23-09-2013 21:32:47)
Be successful in the one I hate, get money and do the music I like?
Would you rather be a successful murderer, or run a yakuza?
A successful murderer, Cuz I'll be really famous when I kill loads
Would you rather be an animal-lover or nature-lover?
Nature... I don't want to be a crazy cat lady.
Would you rather go into anime world, or anime world come into ours? (I don't know, don't ask.)
....I think go into it? otherwise reality might ruin it. xD
would you rather drink something that you know is gonna kill you, or drink something you know is gonna make you be in pain for the rest of your life?
Kill me. :D
Would you rather eat cake or eat pizza (of same flavor) for a whole year?
malu wrote:
Kill me. :D
Would you rather eat cake or eat pizza (of same flavor) for a whole year?
Eat pizza :D
Would you rather drink coffee or drink chocolate? ;p (i ask myself this, all the time)