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Club, because it lasts longer and more prizes are to be won! :)
Would you rather have something sweet or something spicy ?
SWEET. I love anything sweet, and I will not eat anything spicy. When I make tea, I use 4 sugar cubes, 3 for the tea and one to suck on while I stir it. XD
Would you rather be in pain physically or emotionally?
Physically. I'll heal but emotional scars don't go away...ever.
Dance like nobody's watching in front of everyone, or sing with a very bad voice in front of everyone?
Sing with a very bad voice. I know I can't sing, so when I do I use a really deep voice and purposely sound awful.
Would you rather steal a penny or a million dollars?
Million dollars
Would you rather have 100,000 real money or 1,000,000 dollar gift cards from Amazon?
A million in gift cards!
Would you rather have a chicken or a turkey?
Would you rather be famous or the best friend of someone whose famous?
I'll be best friends with someone famous, use their connection, become an escort where all I gotta do is show up at events, make horrendous amounts of cash, build my own information network and rule the world from behind the scenes aww yeah.
Would you rather be one of your OTP or join your OTP and become a trio?
Be one of my OTP.
Would you rather have a life time of Cheese fries or Pizza?
Would you rather have...
Would you rather eat 30 pounds of cheese in one sitting or a bucket of peanut butter (without water)?
Thirty pounds of cheese in one sitting!
Would you rather create evil or destroy good ?
I'd rather create evil ... MUAHAHAHAHAW.
Would you rather fly or breath under water?
Breathe underwater because I love going underwater.
Would you rather have a bunch of tulips or a bunch of roses ?
Bunch of roses <3
Would you rather like to kiss or be kissed ?
If I had to chooose, to kiss.
Would you rather eat a worm straight from the ground or snatch a fly out of the air and eat it alive?
Snatch a fly :non:
Would you rather be the good cop or the bad one?
Good Cop.. But they normally die sooner don't they? O.o
Would you rather be super strong or change into animals?
Change into Animals :gai:
Would you rather think people were muffins, or that muffins were people?
Muffins were people. I've spent a lot of time pondering that question.
Would you rather be a pokemon trainer, or the president?
Pokemooon trainer ftw
Would you rather have a pikachu or a raichu?
Last edited by rukia131 (05-03-2014 21:28:15)
Raichu! <333
Would you rather have Charmander, or Squirtle?
Would you rather have Mew or Mewtwo? (Pooookemon <3)
Would you rather meet Brock, or Tracy?
don't know either but let's go search them up (what would I do without google)
humm pokemon...didn't see that one okay back to reading...
umm I can't choose 0.0 Both of them are brilliant! But I guess...amm...Brock?
Watermelon or cherry?