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#1 17-12-2010 13:38:57

From: Under a blanket somewhere
Registered: 2009
Posts: 2124

How to report a bug

1) Check the board.
If someone else has the same issue you may find that the answer you seek is already posted. Also check the 'Know Bugs and Issues' post. If it's in there you don't need to report it again.

2) Be clear and precise.
Saying my 'Who Am I' doesn't work doesn't give us any clues as to what's wrong. Tell us exactly what you're doing and of any error messages you get. If you can include screenshots.

3) Tell us what browser you're using.
Are you using firefox, Google Chrome or IE? Are you on a Mac or a Windows computer?

4) If it's an issue to do with Feez you need to contact Feerik directly.


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