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Here's where you can post pictures of your beautiful animals (dead or alive)
I'll start off by posting some of mine.
This is my dog Spike
Spike is very cute! :applau:
Skittles ~ 14 years old
Bubba ~ 20 years old when she passed away in 2006; I still miss her very much
There were other cats and two dogs growing up, but they were before we had a digital camera, so my pictures of them are in boxes.
Rare! I'm stealing your Pets, okay? They are so adorable!!!!!
I'll post mine when I get photos. 2 dogs, Zoey and Dixie plus 5 hamsters when I get them....not too long from now.
:ok: Here is mine:
Blapsie (Chow Chow)
Snoekie (People say chows are very aggresive dogs but this dog is the most sweetest dog you'll ever find. You can do upto anything to him and he wont get angry. He sat still the whole time we did this to him.)
Mini Mew (Oldest of the family. We rescued her from the streets and been with us for 8 years now)
Aww! Your cat and hamster are so cute, Ilovech :D
This is Zoey. She's a Beagle mix we got from the shelter in the Winter of 2011.
This is Dixie. She's a German/Husky/Wolf. She's scared of people because she was abused before we adopted her off of Craigslist also in the Winter of 2011. We got her before Zoey.
Everyone's animals are so cute!!! I am an animal lover.
@iklovech we had the same cat but mine was a boy. It's sad cause I had to put him to sleep this year. He was also from the streets.
Here is another of Spike on Halloween, he was a little devil.
And last but not least my bird Sunshine, she was hand raised by my mother.
OMG, Sunshine is sooooo pretty!
Here's all of mine
Frost and my grandmother's dog ^.^ He's a westie
Clide, a Florida Kingsnake
Kaya, my boxer (:
And "Dream Come True" or True (: My arabian
We also have two ferrets and 5 chickens XD
Aww fairykisses he's adorable. Sad that you had to put him to sleep.
I really love your dog spike. Such a cutty.