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Sure. :) I'm out of tune though.
Will you be my pineapple under the sea?
Ummm... okay...
Will you be my smiley, Preferably this one ---> :aomd_blase: ?
Last edited by spiderwick9 (06-01-2013 21:18:06)
YES! That's ma favorite one!
Will you be my dragon? I'll be your rider!
Okii !!! (If you have a GPS of course!)
Will you be my homework?
Only English!
Will you be my partner in bringing the old games back? :3
Last edited by malu (20-07-2014 18:07:19)
Will you be my pineapple ?
Only under the sea!
Will you be my knife to kill my victims? :3
No because blood would ruin my hair! :)
Will you be my dictionary ?
Yuup. :D
Will you be my test paper?
Mmm...Okay, only because I love the smell of paper :)
Will you be my CD-player?
Nu. Will you be my waffle? :D
Whaaa? No thanks, I don't like syrup..
Will you be my pillow in a pillow-fight?
I won't like it but I'm probably good at that job. My mom says I'm "Strong like bull" which always makes me laugh because my sister stopped playing punching games with me. XD She cheats then complains I punch too hard, then she punches me (really) hard. Which is the best part because she gets in trouble. >:D
Will you be my employee? :D I am starting a new company called Imaginary Co. hur hur hur
Hmmm...Sure! My imagination is very strong ;)
Will you be my Birthday Card (That sings) for my friend?
Sure but you'll regret it.
Will you be my rubik's cube and solve yourself?
Will you be the cheese to my lasagna?
As long as you loooove me <3 (BSB ref.)
Will you be the Draco to my Harry?
Yes, then I get to cool down too. -u-
Will you be my favorite song?
Oh, well of course, I've got tons of jams, you know ;)
Will you be my wallet?
I'll take your money but okay :mdr:
Will you be my Door? I dunno why you'd want to but yeah, you can make me forget stuff ^^
You can't slam me--your door--then, because ow.
Will you be my Lava lamp? I need one for a party :3
i"ll be whatever u want hon *wink wink*
Salsa is red
TacoBell logo has some blue
Why you so tasty
Will you be my taco???
(Im hungry!!)