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I had a chimichanga!
Ooh! Lucky!
The last thing in my mouth was Milo. :D
Chips and salsa. Yum!
pizza burger, now my nails... (bad habit..)
Coca-Cola, haha c: i love that drink :aomd_bave:
I just had some pizza.... I've been stuffing my face this whole day...
I wish I could have coke but I'm off soda this whole entire year, it's my new year's resolution.(my dad said he would give me a $100 if I didn't drink any)
Peppermint bark and dark sea salt carmal
Doritos and pepsi.
Root beer....then coca cola....I saw someone with coca cola Pjs....Someone in a band named louis.
A donut.
My Nails.Thats my breakfast lol jk.But I might eat Scrambled eggs with ketchup and cut up squared spam. Its soo good too :)
cheddar flavor chips :mang:
A Green apple. I'll fill you guys in every time I eat something.
Chocolate milkshake!
torifan562 wrote:
Peppermint bark and dark sea salt carmal
Yummy! :love:
A steak, then goopy oat meal.
Right now Im hungry (All the time like Niall,bigg habbit)
My gum im chewing is:
iD berry and melon flavor.My 2 Favorite Gum Of All Time!<3
I had two cookies that I thought would have chocolate chips in them, and they instead had a fruit in them which looked like golden rasins(which might be what they are, since we have some in the house and my mom made the cookies) and tasted like fake pumpkin things.
I just had some brownie bites... they are so good and I don't even really like chocolate...
therealrose wrote:
I just had some brownie bites... they are so good and I don't even really like chocolate...
Chocolate comes in many forms and tastes. That is one of the tastiest forms it comes in.
Hot Chocolate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mozarella cheeze (erk)
Mocha Frappe (:
pan di stelle *w*