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All is silent.
You can say that again. :D
Not any more becuase MALU IS HERE!
So Malu... I've been doing a bit of research on Harry Potter and I'm curious as to what movie is your favorite.
Fave? Hm... Half Blood Prince and Goblet of Fire. :D
Cool. I have to say, everyone is right, Goblet of Fire is indeed the year that no one cut their hair. And Nevel (I'm sorry, I suck at spelling.) is suuuuper cute in that one.
Neville. :D I LOVE him. <3 He's very cute in the last movie.
83 lol Neville oh Neville. And Goblet of Fire is my favorite, too!
Okay... I'm about to pass into a field of a lot of swooning... don't post one more picture of a cut/hot guy.... (Come on, just one more.)
85 *ehem*
Ahehehehehehehehehehe. Oh yeah, that's good.
Hey, do you think we'll get to a hundred soon?
Soooooo... anybody do anything interesting this week.
93. Not really. Unless you count exams as interesting. :honte:
Last edited by kieramsmileys (06-02-2013 22:34:40)
Hehehe... I haven't either. My weeks are just... nothing. I'm considering asking my mom is I can join some sport... basketball maybe? I've been told I'm really tall for my age.
95. Apparently I'm tall too. It gets annoying sometimes, although at other times it's great. Once my friend was being harrassed by some older guy and I went over and stared him down. I felt epic after that :D
Oh yeah, that is awesome. I'm not that tall, but when I'm an adult I'll definitly be taller then my mom, I might be taller then my dad, and I migh (just might) be taller then my sister. Me and my sis are about a quarter of an inch appart, she's taller then me.
98. I thought I was really tall until I moved schools and found out that I was actually kinda normal.
99 DANG IT I WANTED TO BE 100 :pleur: