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I got it yesterday. I need to go back next month to have it finish. Believe me when I tell you guys this it hurts like crazy. Feels like I got sunburn on my back and it itches so I'm not allowed to scratch. :aomd_mdr:
I like it! :)
Mine itched too.. and my skin peeled like a sunburn does, didn't really hurt that bad afterward though. How long did that take? I actually fainted after getting one of mine. I had been hunched over for so long, when I stood up, down I went.. lol :P
I layed down for 1 hour 45 mins. I was so glad when the guy was done. I started to cry when I told the guy the meaning behind the tattoo after he was done I was just shaking.
That's pretty!!! What other colors is the bird going to be? Or are you going to add any more color to it?
I have a butterfly on the back of my neck, it didn't hurt that much to me, I guess I can tolerate pain. Since I have my eyebrow and tongue pierced as well.
woow i loove it ^^ looks great
It's beautiful, really. I can't wait to see it completed!
I'm getting a tattoo when I turn 18 this year, but I'm not sure whether I want an alchemy flamel or a Fairy Tail symbol.
fairykisses wrote:
That's pretty!!! What other colors is the bird going to be? Or are you going to add any more color to it?
I have a butterfly on the back of my neck, it didn't hurt that much to me, I guess I can tolerate pain. Since I have my eyebrow and tongue pierced as well.
I asked the guy to make it a traditional phoenix with the red, orange and yellow. He still need to add a few, do the shading and I'm done. I only have to go for an hour next time.
I'm a reh head that's why I couldn't take the pain but sat through it.
Rarity- This was my 21st birthday present.
Last edited by iklovech (13-01-2013 11:01:28)
I love it! It's really beautiful :)
It's really amazing I like it :)
:love: cool!
Pretty, iklovech. I got a few tattoos in mind after I turn 18. I got a nymph I've wanted since I was 10. I'll be getting that on my lower leg. I'm also going to get "Love" on my right wrist where most of my teenage trials and tribulations are.
I can tell you this make sure first before going for it.
That's amazing!
I think I'll stick with fake tattoos - I can't tolerate pain at all.
That's so beautiful! I have many tattoos for when I get to 18 :3 Very pretty!
I was laying down on a table with a whole where I rest my face in. No one could see my face so everytime I would pull faces cause of the pain. The pain only stops when the guy stops.
It's beautiful!! Can't wait to see the finished look :aomd_bravo:
iklovech wrote:
I was laying down on a table with a whole where I rest my face in. No one could see my face so everytime I would pull faces cause of the pain. The pain only stops when the guy stops.
awn... i've been wanting to make a tatoo too but it looks like i'd need anestesia x_X
by the way, yours looks so awsome :love:
kieramsmileys wrote:
I think I'll stick with fake tattoos - I can't tolerate pain at all.
I like henna tattoos. :aomd_smile:
I've always wanted a tattoo, too bad my 'rents probably won't get me one...
Anyway, it's really cool, plus the Phoenix is one of my favorite creatures, so heck yeah, I like it!!
Awesome! Im a Little young To Like Tats but I got inspired by them by Cher Lloyd and Zayn Malik<3 My Dad said I can't get a Tattoo whenever I'm older.But I could still get a tattoo tho.He's scared that his little girl would end up a rebel...But whenever I'm in my 20's (Not sure when your allowed to get a tattoo) I'd get a stay strong tattoo and maybe a Good Luck Hand (Zayns 2 Tattoo)...Soo ya....