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Well I turned 17 in December and my mum has just sorted out driving lessons, I don't need to do a test or anything yet so i'm going straight onto the road.
I'm so excited but nervous as hell. I'm going to crash. I'm always that person on a car game, if you give it to them for 30 seconds the car will be in last place and be driving in the opposite direction.
I wish you lots of luck! Haha, i'm going to start driving as well, and I'm just like you where I crash within a few seconds in a game. And where I am, there is snow covering everything. Not to mention plenty of ice along the road. But I wish you plenty of luck in your endeavours :)
Wish ya luck as well. I've been behind the wheel since i was 10 so I have no worries there, lolz, but I'll be getting my permit soon since I'm 16.
You'll be fine. Eveyone is nervous their first time. I certainly was.
I get my P plates in June, but I still have another 115 hours left to finish.
Ha. The very first time I drove with my family, I hit a possum.
But YOU'll be fine. :) Take it easy, don't feel pressured by drivers behind you, keep an eye on all your mirrors, watch for any potential hazards (car doors opening on cars parked on the street, kids playing near the road, pedestrians, ....