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Going to bed.. Good night everyone! :)
Listening to my favorite Dhivehi song.
Fairy Tail, Rare!
I'm sitting at my kitchen table....doing...nothing :/ Will be soaking in Epsom salt when my mom gets out of the shower
How ba-a-a-ad can I be? I'm just doing what comes naturally.
Listening to that song!~ :D
Going to the store and dropping the library books off
Playing chess for the nineth time in my life. I haven't won once.
Letting my most recent disaster air out before I get dressed. I just fell in the mud, scraping my knew up pretty bad. :ouf:
Trying to get water out of my ear. GAR!!
Bloody, AGAIN!?
Daily voting...
Watching my sister and her friends play tether ball
Making Shingeki no Kyojin shirt and jumper... You can't buy any yet so I thought I'd make my own.
I just want to wear it. Omg. My jumper looks so warm.
Listening to music <3
Watching a movie, that really isn't too good... (in other words, it feels like it should be rated R instead of PG-13)
I believe it's called Flyboys, it's about World War I, apparently.
Drinking water, in the most high-action way possible: little sips.
Last edited by spiderwick9 (10-07-2013 00:22:35)
Dealing with my sisters friends drama
Listeneing to Next Level and watching TV.
(Rare, I was totally wrong, it was Flyboys. *embarassed*)
Eating ice cream! Yumm!! :mang:
Debating on reading Ceres or going to bed
Craving Ice-cream and reading.
Just finished eating!
Thinking about whether to seriously start my college entrance application essay or not.
((Signs are hovering over "You probably should, but..."))
Sitting and hanging with my dad and siblings on the back deck. I'm enjoying the sun on my back.