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Okay, so my friend has read 'The Fault in Our Stars' and thinks I should read it too. I just wanted to ask if anyone here has read it? Also, if you have, would it be appropriate for me to read at the age of 13? I understand it may be upsetting but thats not really an issue, I can handle it ! :bisous:
YOU SHOULD. Someone I know(not going to be specific) was ten when she read it, and she was mature about it and everything. Although John Green is mainly for teens, certain kids(like, super mature kids) may be able to read it. I have read it, and it is one of the best of his books, if not the best. READ IT PLEASE SO I CAN GEEK OUT WITH YOU.
Omg yes!! You shoul most definitly read it! I usually dont like realistic fiction but The Fault in Our Stars was the best book. I've ever read. Of course you have to make sure your parents are fine with you reading "bleep" words and stuff cuz my parents would never let my little sister (whos around your age) read it. I only read it because it was for my summer book report for 10th grade.
But overall, the best book ever.
angelfire wrote:
Omg yes!! You shoul most definitly read it! I usually dont like realistic fiction but The Fault in Our Stars was the best book. I've ever read. Of course you have to make sure your parents are fine with you reading "bleep" words and stuff cuz my parents would never let my little sister (whos around your age) read it. I only read it because it was for my summer book report for 10th grade.
But overall, the best book ever.
Angelfire, I honestly thought that my in-a-friendly-way-love for you couldn't get larger, but I was wrong. I agree with you so much about this book. Have you read any other John Green books?
Yay :aomd_bravo: Thanks for the help guys, I really appreciate it :) I'm just happy I'll have friends to fangirl with :aomd_bravo: And I asked my mum and she said it was fine, I have been told there isn't much of the "bleep" words but it is briefly mentioned, but i'm sure i can skip a couple of pages :aomd_smile: Thanks again, and i'll let you know when I have finished :)
@Shiva - And same to you! I don't have many people to fangirl with. I have not yet read any other John Green books but I have plans to. What about you? And if you have, which one should I read next?
@Jade - Read it and come back here to tell us what you think. We'll be waiting!
@angelfire I've read Looking for Alaska, Fault in Our Stars, Paper Towns, and I am currently read Abundance of Kathrines. Looking for Alaska is a good one if you want the story of a kid gong to a boarding school(because JG has experience there, so it's very good), Paper Towns is a very smart book and focuses on high school friendships and such, and Abundance of Kathrines so far is a super genius book that is sort of like a road trip thing. My family loves John Green, and I started reading his books when I was only 10, so I doubt there will be huge problems with "bleep" words.
WOW! 10? Really?
Thanks for the list! I'm going to look for them! I didn't know he went to boarding school. That's pretty cool.
The Fault In Our Stars is one of the top ten ranked in having independent lead heroines. The first being Hunger Games, of course. And I can't WAIT to read it! The Fault in Our Stars I mean. :D
OMG!! You wont believe what i saw!!!!!!
We were having a tornado drill, right, and i saw a teacher ive never seen before and guesss who he looked like...
JOHN GREEN!!!!! I freaked. I really wanted to go up to and scream "you look like JG" but i didnt. Now i probably will never see him again
OMG I forgot to tell you guys I finished it! It was like 4 months ago! I was probably too busy crying over it. SO SAD! But the book was absolutely amazing and I loved it! But Augustus' letter made me cry so hard!