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Holy crud. I never imagined someone to have so many favorites.
46 Yeah. The thing is I have a lot of moods, so it's hard for me to specify one. Depends on the mood.
Yeah, you're cool. My favorite is D I E 4 Y O U by (guess who?) Family Force.5
Last edited by spiderwick9 (18-02-2013 00:17:48)
spiderwick9 wrote:
Yeah, you're cool. My favorite is D I E 4 Y O U by (guess who?) Family Force.5
Well I have to go. Bye#
48 Hmmm....I should really listen to that. A lot of people like family force. What's their style again? oh and bye!
My favorite songs are so random XD
darkelfqueen wrote:
48 Hmmm....I should really listen to that. A lot of people like family force. What's their style again? oh and bye!
Okay, I only have time to answer this. They don't really have a genre. But they themselves call it party music, music but they also have slower songs (Superhero, Topsy Turvy, acoustics), pop songs (paycheck, Keep the party alive, etc.), rock sings (D I E 4 Y O U, Radiator, love Addict, etc.) And a couple other genres. But their variety is so wide not even i Tunes can define them. They also have cool videos. I suggest watching the Cray Button video, the Radiator music video, and the Zombie music video.
Wow.. Been a while..
Is there a new post for this?
Nope, don't think so.