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hey guys ^^
i need some help with two items i bought and then i realized i have no idea how i am gonna wear them :/
i couldn't find their pictures online so i ll post stuff the look similar to them when worn ^^
(its long, goes till the knees exactly)for this one i bought black skinny pants to go with it , but i donno what to wear under it ?? and what kind of shoes and bag goes with it??
for this one i donno skinny jeans , & again what should i wear under it :/ ??
both kinda look like these two :
any help is really appreciated, thanks in advance <33
Last edited by hayley77 (28-02-2013 15:44:04)
hmmm...Okay. So here're some ideas...
For the first one, if it's sleeveless like that, I would recommend wearing something with ruffled sleeves under it. Kinda of this style
Or flowing sleeves
Of course normal tight sleeves are still okay.
For accessories....Definitely long necklaces with several levels or a colourful delicate scarf.
Something like the one she's wearing here.
The second one, I'd say normal tight sleeves with kinda big bracelets of almost the same color would do the trick...A simple necklace would be good, too.
Heres some stuff i found online:
Some looks for your gray sweater. I would either wear a fitted long sleeved top underneath or a cute jacket over it.
- looks similar to what you have
color combination/sets:
I found this on my polyvore feed:
I like wearing some sheer tops mostly and baggy studded tops soo... sorry if its bad.
Last edited by torifan562 (01-03-2013 04:23:59)
thanks a lot guys for the the help <33 really appreciate it :)