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...I can't believe I'm reviving old games...
Well, since I'm doing this already...
Come one, come all! Today, we doth release our inner sadist! We shall completely obliterate the previous wisher's wishes!!
1.) Think up the evilest (or silliest) way you can totally ruin a perfectly awesome wish.
2.) Make a wish (And hope, dude... just... hope)
CREATOR wrote:
I wish for ice cream!
PLAYER01 wrote:
You get all the ice cream in the world... however, it's in your least favorite flavor.
I wish I could fly!
And so on, and so forth.
So... shall we start?
>> I wish I had Avatar powers. <<
...But you did something unspeakably wrong and now they're gone >:D
I wish for cupycakes!
Granted, but then they are all veggie flavored. Mostly broccoli...
I wish for pigs to fly!
Granted, unfortunately they are now un-catchable therefore you can't eat pork anymore.
I wish I have a Homestuck shirt.
Granted but then someone throws mud at it and now it's ruined.
I wish for a limitless supply of candy!
Last edited by malu (16-03-2013 07:13:20)
Granted. But underneath the pile is a black hole so all that candy (and you) are now in space.
I wish for... wings. Pretty, pretty bird wings sprouting from my back that enables me to fly.
Granted, but then they break.
I wish for the rain to stop.
Granted, but it only stops for a second XD
I wish to have a new computer
Granted, but then a virus suddenly corrupts your computer.
I wish I had a dog.
You can buy a dog in a animals shop.
I wish so many money...
granted but then you have it in your hand and somebody robs you stealing every bit of money you had.
I wish i wasn't scared of dogs.
Granted but now you're afraid of every other animal.
I wish for cake.
You can make every cakes in the wotrld if you know how to do they.
I wish more of my life
Granted but then you get less.
I wish for chocolate!
ashleysamms12 wrote:
You can make every cakes in the wotrld if you know how to do they.
I... don't... quite... understand...?
GRANTED! But then the rest of the chocolate in the world disappear (So, everybody's gonna rampage and try to steal your chocolate & kill you if you eat it, nyan~)
I wish for all the books in the world! ALL OF THEM!
Granted, but they all get soaked in the rain on the way to you.
I wish I was a dinosaur, you know. The-last-one-that-missed-the-extinction-plan.
Granted, but then it eats you alive.
I wish I could make things I draw come alive.
Granted, but you once forget you had that power and made a zombie come alive and infect you, thus you are now hunted down by all the people. All of them.
I wish I could stop making Homestuck/SBaHJ references.
Granted, but loads of "much harder" work were given to you in exchange for the wish.
No wish.. so..
I wish that the zombie duck invasion does not happen.
Granted, but then a zombie rabbit will invade your home.
I wish that I could know my career when I get older.
Granted, but you don't like it which makes you swear to not be it but you ended up as it because you asked in the first place =D
I wish I have time powers.
Granted, but you couldn't control it well, ended up freezing time and later learned what you've done was irreversible.
I wish for a new addiction (e.g. music, anime, etc.).
I've been bored these past few days (T▽T).
Granted but then you get too addicted.
I wish for a GIANT Kitten!
Granted. But then it ate you :o)
I wish clowns ruled the world. MUAHAHAHA.