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Granted, but he leaves your town because there are no super-villains for him to fight there.
I wish for a space helmet and a nicer giraffe.
Granted, but it dies. And the space helmet is full of bugs.
I wish for some lemon juice.
Granted, But you can't drink it.
I wish for more chips.
Granted, but it got moulds and fungus growing all around it...
I wish to have billions of money on OMD :pleur:
Granted, but then in magically disappears!
I wish I could live in Antarctica without freezing to death!
Granted, but then Antarctica is suddenly flooded... Cant think of another one, lol~
I wish to reach the Sun without burning to death...
Granted, but then because there is no gravity you drift into space and land on comet where you freeze to death.
I wish for a pet penguin.
Last edited by icefoxes (20-09-2013 01:31:47)
Granted, but it takes your soul. :star:
I wish for an unlimited amount of Lemon juice whenever I crave for it.
Granted, but your tongue is chopped off, heated until it becomes a liquid, then used to water the tree that the lemons for the juice come from. Then that juice is given to you to drink. BUT YOU CANNOT TASTE IT, MWA HA HA HA HAAA!
I wish I could eat shrimp again. That would be nice.
Granted, but the shrimps are alive when you eat it, so it ruins your esophagus and you die.
I wish for something that would cure my cold completely.
Granted, but then you catch the cold again a few days later.
I wish for a tub of ice-cream.
Granted, but it melts quickly and unknowingly the tub didn't have a drain stopper so all the ice cream drained.
I wish for a strong immune system. This bad weather, bad flu.
Granted, but it's so strong it turns to rock.
I wish for other people to have great grammar!
Granted, but yours becomes terrible because you forgot to include yourself in that wish.
YOU SPELLED GRAMMAR RIGHT! :applau: (You made my day)
I wish the ground would be friends with me.
Granted, but everyone else hates you, which therefore influences the ground to hate you and unfriend you. :)
I wish to see Frozen! :)
Granted but you don't have that satisfaction of watching it when it's finished and you wished to never see another movie again.
I wish I could be on the computer whenever I wanted.
Granted but then your computer breaks down.
I wish to own a pony.
Granted but it has leprosy which becomes contagious and eats you alive as you see your pony die right in front of your very own eyes.
I wish Christmas was a week long!
Granted but then you get tired of it.
I wish my Internet was faster!
Granted but it speeds up by such a tiny amount you don't even notice it, so it's like it never even happened.
I wish my friend would call me back SOON!
I've been waiting for at least an HOUR for her to call me!
Your friend just called, but hangs up on you.
I wish I could take a nap right now.
Granted, but then just as you fall asleep, it starts raining on you.. oh so you think, when you wake up you find your dog drooling all over you. (ew)
I wish for some sushi.
Granted, but it explodes in your mouth. :)
I wish I could go back to Ardene and buy some more nail polish!
Granted but then the store runs out of the color you want.
I wish I could get some ice cream.
@Malu OMG! Me too! I want ice cream, too! :)
Granted, but then I STEAL IT ALL! Mwahahahaha! :)
I wish my cold would go away...