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Ok, I am so....!!!!!!!!!!!!
I was TRYING to do my two projects (one about decoys and a how-to movie) when my friend and her friend barged in, and started using my computer! Like, they just came and grabbed the mouse from me, and started going on youtube and woozworld, and they were using words I would never THINK of.
In other words, I'm gonna get a F....R....or D-.
And whenever my mom came in, they would start snickering and laughing. I glared at them and growled, like, GROWLED, "STOP LAUGHING AT ME!!!" They kept laughing.
Then my MOM came again and started SHOUTING! YEESH!!!
Then when I started telling them how they would get me a F for like, the second time, they would be like, "Yeah, Thank you" or "Your welcome" and grin at me like we just made a joke.
I even went outside, and told my neighbour what happened, makign sure that my friends heard.
What can I do? About my "friends". I can talk to my teacher about my project. -_-. Never chose Duck Decoys as the subject of your essay.
Thanks for your time,
a very ANGRY ivy020
(Btw, my neighbour just nodded and told me to "bear it"
you need to choose better your... friends...
these people you mentioned are definely NOT friends...
They are so not your friends. Tell your mom or your teacher about this and tell them to bug off and find someone else to disturb.
Mm, I remember writing something a bit similar to this a loooong time ago (the difference being my situation was twice as embarrassing, it was facebook, and revolved only around one friend).
Same as the others said above, I don't think they might be your "friends" if they're treating you like this.
BUT! Is this the first time they've done this, or have there been situations like this in the past? I'm sure that if you try to explain the situation to your mom, she'll understand. If push comes to shove, then try and have your mom talk to their parents or the teacher.
But you should still try talking to your friends first and find out why exactly they needed to use your computer while you were busy. Tell them how serious you are about your grades and you have no time for dawdling and why they can't wait until you're finished to use your cpu (or why they can't use their own). Nothing is resolved with shouting, so try to have patience and stay calm.
Best of luck to you, Ivy!
My mom just basically thinks that they're trying to act cool. -_-. She doesn't even understand that they helped themselves to my computer. AND my "friends" don't even go to the same school as me, so telling their teacher is not an option!
if i were you i'd forbird those people to get near you. what they did is just stupid. :honte:
and still your mother blindly defends them!?
Nah, she understands they were uninvited, but she just doesn't understand what they're doing to my project. She knows my project is already kinda of done, but I need to improve it. It's just not like I tell my teach to tell my "friend's" teacher at her school that she's ruining her grades!!!
(Nobdoy will believe me)
Last edited by ivy020 (16-04-2013 01:02:40)
How long have you known them?
I'm going through this know too. But yes, choose your friends, its ok to be alone too. Talk about it to your friends maybe?
First of all, what kind of mom lets your friends just storm in when you're doing one or, even worse, TWO projects FOR SCHOOL? Not to offend her but wasn't that a bad choice of hers to let them go? One thing is to let them in and explain you're working and that, if it's important, she would go call you. The other thing is like (extreme example) "Oh she's studying for her final exam that may cost her her future but HEY go go! Knock yourself up! Yey rainbows!"
On this part, you should probably talk to you mom and sort things out so that she knows when you're working and when is a good or a bad time to have guests that.. that noisy....
Secondly, as everyone has said.. You would like to review your list of friends then... There's something called friends and something called acquaintances or collegues. Just because you know them and such, they dont have to slap a "FRIEND" tag on their foreheads and they must know their limits.
Talk to them too and next time they do that, save the work ASAP and shut the computer before they have time or just go and kick them with the pillows and say you'll call Slender or The Batter. =w=
The Batteeeeeerrrr~
I hope you manage to finish your works and that you get a good grade! Remember presentation is always good, use some colors but not flashy and make someone read it to find errors (we always skip and autocorrect mught too), review ponctuation, explanations, images, etc. Sometimes it's not about upgrading the content of the work but how you present it. Good luck sweety!
Joanna and Bella aren't sorry. What do i do?
They are obviously not good friends, just tell them that if they are not going to understand and apologize, you won't be their friend and that you don't want them in your house again. And make sure to tell your mom not to let them in...That's a bit harsh, I know...But they don't sound like good people at all.
Anyone has better suggestions?
The problem spread to Facebook. -_-
what will you do now?
Facebook is always the problem.
People complain about not having time to wash their faces but they have time to put a situation like this on Facebook -n-
Just let them go. They just keep on showing they are not worth it. Move on.
Right now, they are playing your enemy and the best way to win over an enemy is to be successful. And how to be successful over them? Dont care about what they did on facebook, move on, be superior. Are you really going to get on your knees because they are 5 years old?
Yes, because they did it again. :( Thanks everyone, I will be following your advice! :D
P.S: I put a little kids duckie video on my project! (We had to do online posters using Glogster)
good luck there!