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I was hesitating about posting this here to be honest, since it depends on the LI and well...If anyone thinks this shouldn't be here, please tell me!
The first person to send the location of all eggs will get a Gift.
EVERYONE that will find the eggs will get an Av, a Signature and a participation image.
IMPOTRANT: Don't post the answers here! PM them to me! :D
Link the LI's April Issue: The Lovely Insider
Last edited by darkelfqueen (19-04-2013 22:43:10)
I think I PMed you already... Is it sent? because after sending my PM to you, the game has a maintenance or busy... :quoi:
O_O I haven't received anything! Uh...Could you resend it? *I hate this server!!!*
Ohhhh. Okay!
Replied to your PM, bebepat!