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Should I enter the talent show? I feel shy, and I don't know if I can. My talent is singing.
Welp, you have to start somewhere. How will you ever get over your shyness if you don't just go out there and sing? I say you should do it.
Well, since it isn't something stupid or deadly...
Go for it. :)
give it a try.
invite someone you feel comfortable singing near and pretend this is the only person in the crowd.
works for me in school works XD
i pretend the teacher is the only person in the room and then i'm able to talk XD
in short, don't let the crowd distract you. just focus and let your voice out!
GOOD LUCK! :good: :bisous: :fete:
Believe me, the amount of people watching is not what you think about when you're performing. It's more about getting it right.
For my school's Themestock (which is World Rhythm), I'm in two dances (1 solo) and I'm trying to organize either a little skit from Hetalia or sing the first end song from Bleach. I've performed infront on thousands of people. I still get nervous, yes, but the feel you get is amazing.
I think you should give it a try :) Follow your dreams :)
Fine I will, for you guys. But if I mess up...I'm sensing some very angry emotes. Thanks for the nervous! Everybody else is better then me! Ok, locking.
Honey, it's not about being better than the others, it's about being someone you're not ashamed of being (props to Key from SHINee).
If you do mess up, will you get all mad because you failed or will you get happy because you have overcomed your fears and sang, regardless of the end?
Sing something that has a meaning to you and makes you comfortable.
Good luck sweety!