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ILOVEM12!!! Happy Birthday my dear friend and I wish many, many more.
17 only comes around once so how about a dragon cake to help make it splendid?
(Very minor side note, this also marks my 1 year anniversary of being on the board. I remember telling Ilovem happy Birthday on her Sweet 16)
Happyyyyyyyyy Birthday for the one and only ilovem. Enjoy it to the max my awesome friend!
Those pictures just made my day <3 Thanks girls <3
Because one confused greeting and another less confused greeting isn't enough. :D
Happy birthday Ilovem! I wish you a splendid day filled with weird happenings!
Happy birthday, dear! Enjoy your last years of being a teen as much as you can! Howp you have a wonderful day and I wish you all the best.
Happy birthday!
A little late, but I hope your special day was great ^_^ !
Thank you so much everyone (: I did have a good, relaxing day today :aomd_bisous:
Happy Birthday Ilovem12!!! :fete:
Soo Sorry I'm a bit late at this D:
Here. Have a cuddly cat.