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May 21 2013
I live about 30 miles from Joplin, Missouri where on May 22 2011 that town was hit by a F-5 tornado that killed around 260 people. That particular tornado came within 5 miles of my house then picked up and set down to the east of us about 19 miles away.
Yesterday, May 20 2013 and May 19th, tornadoes have hit several times in Oklahoma, a state to the west of us. Two towns affected are Shawnee, Oklahoma and Moore, Oklahoma.
When storms such as these come near to us, my husband who is a Ham Radio Operator and Storm Spotter, goes out to his spot and watches the development of the storms & that is passed onto the proper authorities and to the TV stations. And while he is doing that, my daughter and I are at my mother's house which is across the road from us. She has a basement, but she is about 90% confined to an power scooter and therefore can't get to the basement: so we were in the hall. Thankfully we were spared yet again.
I hope that anyone else who lives in these areas are safe and were not affected. Maybe you all could do a check in, letting us know you are indeed safe.
Good luck to everyone who lives near or in tornado alley. I used to live in Arkansas and that was not fun in tornado season.
I hope you are all safe and comfortable in your homes.
I hope no one was hurt.
I live far away from them, so I'm safe, and I hope you all are too. (I wish the president didn't have to make a speech every time this happened, though.)
I hope everyone is doing okay and safe. Hopefully, since I live in Canada, I can't be affected by the tornado.