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Hello everyone!
I'd like to say "Happy birthday" to my sister Carla724, today she's going 19 years old! I know she loves exchanging dailies but she can't because of her studies at school. I'd like that she can see this when she comes back to the game!
If you like the idea, you can post your happy birthday to her, of course!!! Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday Carla!
Now, in Spanish
Que los cumplas feliz, que los cumplas feliz, que los cumplas Godo, que los cumplas feliz!!!
:aomd_bravo: :aomd_bravo: :aomd_bravo:
Last edited by bianca96 (15-06-2013 05:27:31)
Aw!~ Happy Birthday!! <3
Happy birthday Carla we love you <3 :fete: :fete:
Happy birthday! :D
*woot woot*
Normally I would post some gif about it, but as the internet's waaaaaaaaaayy too slow, I can't. :non:
Happy birthday anyway Carla. :D
Happy Birthday, sweetheart!
Aw, thanks a lot girls!!! :aomd_bravo:
Happy birthdayeventhoughimlate!
Hope you had a fantastically fun and epic day!!
I've just seen this, but I guess it's never too late to say happy birthday. So, happy birthday, Carla!! :fete: Hope you've had an amazing day!
Welp. Happy Belated Birthday :D