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My wedding dress will have Jade on it so I was think Emerald or Jade...
108, I am not getting married soon (I am to young..). But I would like to keep it white (like the tradition) with some tiny diamonds, no sleeves and long..
I'm not really traditional... I think, if I ever get married, it will be totally unconventional. Like a dress of cucumber (yes, I saw one once, it was weird but fun !) *-*
110 lol laura.
And saffi...I am 21 only 21!!! And everyone wants me to crazily!
Lolz, Laura
I'm 16, Saffi. I won't get married till I'm at least 22. Still cam joke and plan though
I don't know much for my wedding. I know the dress I want.
109 I know nothing...just the bouquet maybe...and the cake
I've been planning my dress for a while. It'll be silk, skin tight, tied around the neck, and has a Jade sash below the breast.
110. Yeah, it's always fun planning that sort of things... especially when the result is completly different from anything you could have imagined x)
Bloody : waou, you seem to really know what you want *-*.
Last edited by eleanore (09-07-2013 22:10:03)
I do
109, I am 19 years old and I have practically nothing planned..
Oh, darky! Were almost the same age.. Well your 2 years older..
I want to get married at 24-25 years old
Last edited by saffirelle (09-07-2013 22:16:42)
110. Well, I'm going to sleep, so good night everyone :)! [Or good evening][or day...]
Last edited by eleanore (09-07-2013 22:19:05)
111, Good night Eleanore!! :)
Last edited by saffirelle (09-07-2013 22:21:38)
19? In all honesty, I thought you were 17 :ouf: You don't always have to plan everything. You can always do it when it comes time
110, yes. I will plan things when the time has come. But you seem so sure about your wedding dress and everything.. Well mostly your wedding dress.
Only my wedding dress. It's what I've had planned for years. Simple, cute, and stylish.
110, I will maybe design and sew my own dress.
My grandmother will probably make mine. I'm designing the dressed myself.
110 yeah saffi! I guesses that actially before you said your age!
I've always wanted a dreamy dress...
111, how did you know? Good guess!
Not me...I don't like too much fluff, poofy, or mermaid dresses
111, for my wedding dress I want it to be a little poofy on the down part of the dress
I want it to be poofy. I want it to be white too... I like the traditional wedding.
(Random fact: I want to get married in the snow.)
Cold much? I'm not a big fan of snow
I don't want married in church. I don't feel right with it. I don't like the thought of it. I don't want married on the beach or anything like that like a lot of people wanted. I find a cemetery peaceful. But I doubt I'll be able to pull that off. Maybe a park....I do know that my reception will hopefully be at the zoo
112, I doubt that your "husband" would want to get married in the cemetery. I seriously have no idea where I want to get married.
@Spi: In the snow?! Interesting.. ;)