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167, I am planning on watching Death Note or Soul Eater after I finish watching Black Butler and Fairy Tail.
@Saffi: I have! And it's a secret!
169 I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE DEATH NOTE!!!! It's THE best anime and manga EVER made...EVER!!!!
170, Please tell me!!!!!!
Last edited by saffirelle (11-07-2013 23:19:16)
Haven't started. Still watch Code Geass.
170, But i think he does. Because at the end his eyes become pink/red like sebastian's and his nails becomes black also like sebastian's.. Spi, you better tell me!
Bloody, don't read this if you don't want it spoiled.
He does!
171 ooh. Where are you in Code Geass now?
173, I knew it! I knew it!!!! Ah.. but why?
Do you really want me to tell you?
175, Yes I do! I love spoilers! :D
Two people (Tim and Hanna, I believe) didn't want Sebastian to have Ciel's soul. So, Tim made a contract with Hanna that said if he(Tim) was to die, then Ciel would become a demon. Make sense?
177, Now I understand! Thanks! But who is actually tim?
Episode 6. Suzaki found out the girl he was touring around town was the princess
178 Ah Euphimia....The following eps are gonna be awesome! And they also establish what's gonna happen the series.
Girls I have an announcement to make. I am going to be disappearing for about ten days (Starting tomorrow)...I need to travel to a family friend and as a result, I won't be able to be online for a while. I might be able to log on the board every now and then, but... you know...
Also, if you have my email, I can be reached on it all the time. TAKE CARE!
Last edited by darkelfqueen (12-07-2013 00:38:02)
Will you be on the rest of the night? I don't know how I'll be able to go w/o you for 10 days....
178 yup will be tonight! And tomorrow morning...will also try be on whenever I can! I'll miss you so so badly!!! But we can email...will you be able to check your email?
Of course! I have that hooked as an app on my iPod. I'll be able to check it easily!
My dad made my falling apart pants into Daisy Duke shorts
178 wow day is mutitalented!
Awesome. Won't be able to stay that long without you of all people. Believe it or not, I consider you one of my best friends!
You are one of mine. Twin as well. You two are the two I'm closest too. I find out my schedule in 4 days and my brothers is in 3. Hey, do you know how to get the link at the bottom of the sigs like Twins?
178 ooh. How many courses are you taking?
['url=URL]Title of the URL['/url] | [url...]
But remove the 's and put the link in URL and the word to show up in the title