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Being bored and talking to people
Making a Parody of "I will never be the same"
Getting ready to bathe my hamster
Reading the posts.. :P
Wow...I posted that twice on accident :ouf:
Just got done eating and will be going back to brushing my dog...she had one hell of a winter coat
Looking for eyedrops.
Admiring my doll's outfit. I like this one! :3
Watching The Big Bang Theory and checking out some online shops.
Waiting on Twin (Angelfire) to call
Chugging tampico strawberry banana punch.
Talking to Twin
Being bored and replying to lots of messeges!
Playing online games on facebook.
Watching The Bachelorette!
Hanging out in the backyard drinking a Strawberry Daiquiri and hanging with family
Window shopping on OMD.
I do that often, Ice
Laying in bed
being lazy....
That sig Rare <3 (don't know who it is....just like that it's dark)
Waiting on food
Trying to load a pic.
Just woke up, ready to eat food and watch Bleach.
Thanks Bee. It's my precious baby Ulquiorra's final form.
This cutie patootie is Ulqi bby<3
Shipping Natsu and Lucy.