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*Steps onto invisible soap box*
*clears throat*
So Malu and I have been passing this idea around each other and we came up with creating a Role Play about.. well, one of these things! Your job is to choose ONE of these themes, and through a random raffle, WE get a theme and YOU get supermegafoxyawesomehot prizes! Win win! Sounds simple, no? OKAY!
✍ Harry Potter
What more is there to say? AWESOMENESS AWAITS.
1. Chocorae
2. xEmoxRockerx
✍ Vampire Diaries
In the small town Mystic Falls, meet Vampires, Werewolves and Hybrids that live among humans, and try not to get killed by the Mystic Falls' council.
1. Fasionstar
2. Jadefarnill
✍ The princesses' Have Dark Sides Too
In order: [Little Red, Alice, Snow, Rapunzel, Hansel&Gratel, Cinderella] Discover a secret society where all the princesses that little girls had grown up knowing, turn out to be not-so-good after all. As they say, all fairy tales must come to an end; happily ever after or not.
1. Rheasilva
2. Bloodyemos
3. Hollymoua
✍ Survivors
Get stuck on an island with your fellow travelers and learn to survive. Beware of the island, but be most careful of your travelers! Who knows, they might not be real at all, OR they might be your worst nightmare.
1. Kieramarina
✍ Naruto
Join Naruto and train to be a Hokage! Or just a very high profile ninja. ;)
1. Melodie2
2. Zoey900
✍ Anime Mix
Have a favorite Anime character or two? BE them and join in the Anime mix! Let them meet other anime characters from various other Anime series and go wild!
1. Icefoxes
2. Spiderwick9
3. Angelfire
✍ Pixie Hollow
A mystical land where fairies, fiends and demons all collide!
1. Italy900
✏Only THREE people can choose the SAME theme, and the people who had chosen the winning theme will ALL get prizes!
✍ 20 votes each
✍ 1 Edited pic each
✍ Bragging rights (Who DOESN'T love this?)
✍ Our unconditional love and loyalty (Hey, you know you want Thiiis)
(Sorry this is all we can afford right now what with the slow internet and whatnot)
NOTE: You don't have to join in them to choose. We are looking forward to hearing from all of you!~
*Steps down from soap box*
Last edited by amaryllis-love (20-07-2013 15:49:17)
That is all.
~Majolica le fay and Excalibur! <3 :love:
So many great ideas... but I choose "The princesses' Have Dark Sides Too" theme!
Gaaa~ You made my day by joining, Ice!! <3 You too Rhea~
Last edited by malu (14-07-2013 18:42:36)
I think Anime mix would be AWESOME! I don't know what all anime (FMA is a must), but that would be really awesome!
I can't decide between naruto or anime mix...i guess I'll hav to do Rock Paper Scissors on my self:
Rock Paper Scissors! Aww man its a tie U_U
Umm i pick anime mix
there all great topic and i do luv anima but...
i chooses the princess :ouf: cuz that sounds very intresting
The Princesses!!! Oh, yeah! A dark princess FTW!
Can I choose pixie hollow please? Thanks :applau:
Very interesting raffle contest!!
I'll take the Naruto theme... ;3
... Of course xD
These are all such great ideas! I'll have to go with 'survivors'
Vampire Diaries :aomd_bave:
Added! Thanks for joining! :D
I wanna join too... Harry Potter for me... :aomd_bravo:
Dang nabit I wanted Dark Princesses :|
Harry Potter it is then!
Added!~ :D
*Suddenly, a wild Amary appears*
YAY! There's at least one person per theme now so, if no one else joins in in the next 48 hours, we'll do the raffle and announce the winners! Sounds good, no?
Until then, farewell, my lovelies!~
*Vanishes in a quick burst of light*
I'd like to join the Dark Princess category.
kaybecr wrote:
I'd like to join the Dark Princess category.
The Dark Princess Category is full. :]
I would originally say Princesses, but since it is full, I'll go for my second choice of Vampire Diaries.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand the winneeeeeerrrrrr is.......
Winners, expect your prizes in a weeks time. ;)
Thanks for joining!! You all have our love!!! (And a RP)
Congrats to the winners! - Dark Princesses is cool too.
Last edited by spiderwick9 (20-07-2013 16:19:33)