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Your new bf? It'll be alright, ilovem. As long as you can stay in contact then things will work out and you'll be seeing each other before you know it. :ok:
I know t-t But I told myself that "Im not going to fall hard... Just a little fling per-say."
Didnt work.
I'm done with online dating and long distance.
Didnt work either.
I know the feeling...I didn't wxpect to fall in love with Greg but I it hurts when I see him with other girls. Things'll get better and I'm positive they won't end like your last relationship. Everything always happens for a reason.
Tell me about it! We met through WoW.
We met on WoW! I DONT HAVE A LIFE OKAY?! :mdr:
But like we started talking and stuff on skype. I thought him and another girl where going out, and my friends where giving me crap about us going out.
So one night one of the guys decided he'd make a bet with me. 3 months and me and my bf (now) would be going out.
A week later, the guy is coaching my bf to ask me out. He asked me out that night. Then of course my ex butted in and found out that my bf had lied about his age and was 15. So drama of course went down and three days later me and mike decided to start over from scratch.
Just..erpfrofkeofoerpor.. These trust issues are killing me. Cause he LOVES to go out and party. Basically a real life version on Dante and Lily combined. I'm just here in my house with no life. Haven't seen my friends since December.
Opposites attract much...
LOLZ! hopefully you're not the drinker part of Lily. I've never partied so I can't say much..
I dont party either... He wants me to.. but I just dont xD
Oh boy.. I'll never forget that part where a drunk Lily meets Sylvy...
Last edited by ilovem12 (19-07-2013 20:08:59)
Oh my god XD that was gold
Maybe go to just one? I know I'll go to a few and host my own in the future
Maybe.. but its really out of my character. I like to have complete control over my body, and I do need to loosen up a little but lol XD
Same here but there does come a time where you just need to give the mind a break and loose control
UhOhBro on YouTube :lol:
If you like watching touching videos that are really sweet, watch carrie underwoods "see you again" music vid. Its basically people coming home from war and surprising their families <3
I've seen it on CMT. It's amazing
Girls, I think you have lives, just choose to live it differently than the norm. I don't go out to parties, I don't go out of my way to visit friends or go outside. I don't see the appeal in getting drunk. I've nearly had everyone say to me: "I didn't invite you to my 18 because you would've hated it" which is true. I only go to parties for the drama and blackmail. (Don't get me wrong, I've had alcohol, I don't like the taste. It's pretty horrid) I get scrutinized because if this, but I like to see myself more mature and superior to everyone else. (Says the one who wept for 3 days about SnK...)
IlovemIlovemIlovem. Looks who's in my signature. -swoons-
Ya, I hate alcohol, I've never had it, but don't want to. I don't really want to even go to parties. Sure having friends over and stuff but not those kind of parties.
I saw <3 I miss him <333333
It's not that great. It's more fun having friends over and watching movies, etc. At least the. You actually remember the night.
I have a rule I've kept with me forever; You can't soley judge someone/something unless you've gotten to know them/tried it.
My friend was all "I didn't know you'd like Ulquiorra..." Excuse me. If Byakubabe is my favourite, what do you expect?! (Yeah, Byakubabe. I said it)
I don't like beer but I have had some alcoholic drinks (spiked coke, margarita, mudslide, strawberry daiquiri, wine) and throughly enjoyed them. I'm not an alcoholic...its not even legal for me to drink. Drinking age is 21....I'm 16.... But I do want to get wasted once in my life. I would like to not have to deal with life. When I'm 22 (senior year of pre-med) I am going to have an all out bash (like in the movie: Project X) but not let it get that bad.
60, OH!!! What's it's name? :gai:
Spanky Deuce. He's an American Bulldog
Have i ever said that im scared of big dogs and bulldogs ...
I think I've only went to a dancey party once. An that was homecoming. Now wait, two. But that was the after party of the school play. In 9th grade. I dont have friends that would invite me. Of course i would decline cuz my parents would never in a million years let me go, but i guess it would be nice for someone to say would you like to come.
Life doesnt always have to be lived with alcohol and parties. You can do so many other fun things without all that. WoW is the life you live ilovem. Be proud of it.
My sister makes fun of me everyday saying that i have friends on OMD that arent even physically real.
I dont care if you guys are really robot aliens from another world. This ny life and im happy to be living it on here.
Normal people can have pen pals whom they have never seen in their lives but maybe will. So we can't have online friends whom we have never seen but maybe will?
You and I WILL someday meet, Twin, and you and in WILL go to Germany and we WILL see Berlin and Aushwitz.