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Hey Guys how are you?
So I was wondering if you guys play/know any other games besides OMD. So I was looking for girls games like OMD. and all I can find is Stardoll, ma bimbo, and of course Elite Dollz so do you know any other games?? :)
Girl Go Games (dotcom) may have a lot of what you're looking for
I play on Gaia Online every once in a while. I've been playing on Gaia for so many years. I don't play as much anymore since none of my friends go on anymore but I log on to change my avatar or earn some "gold."
It's a game for everybody, not just targeted for girls. But there's a huge variety of clothing available and it's a good site to play on if you prefer to play games for free.
I honestly dislike games where you have to pay real money to have any fun. I played Solia Online for a while in search of something new to play and I love the avatars and the clothing, but it was so hard to earn currency and it would take about a week of posting in forums to afford one piece of clothing for my avatar.
Last edited by harajukukiki (17-07-2013 15:21:50)
Here are some I play
divachix (this game you are able to make your own clothes and sell them in your shop)
dollandthecity (thanks to willowskye for this one)
Thanks a lot girls I'll try all of them :) :aomd_bisous: