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I wasn't sure if this was reported, but we can't view the items on Hales Store and can't try the items that we can view.
Can't wait for this to be fixed so we all can go on a shopping Spree! Thanks Feerik for this store!!!
Same here. The window will open but it won't show the item :pleur: i dont wanna buy anything until i know it looks good all together.
You can't buy anything either. It came up as an error message for me.
Also, the French site has a LOT more items available than we do, and you can try on/purchase them. I would think it should be an easy fix for the team this morning!
I can view the items but can try them.. Each time I click on the "Try it on" button, the item doesn't appear in my loft. :/
Is the fact there's no category buttons also a bug?
It might maybe be a bug.. I am not quite sure about that. But it might be..
I want to cry right now guys. The french side has mermaid tails >.<
They also have the categories button and a lot more stuff. They have all the outfits that I wanted to by as soon as they come out :pleur:
OMG Please hurry up and fix this bug.
Yeah, I just checked the french version and they have way more stuffs in the Hales store than the US version of OMD.. :(
I can't help bug wonder if that's a bug? I don't mean to be insulting, but Ferik does have a lot more stuff for French version then English/American.
I can't try it out but when I buy it, there's a message saying error but then, I waste $$$ and it didn't show up in my loft and inventory :pleur: please fix this feerik !!!
I'm pretty sure we should have the same amount of items the French site has. It's just that there are no category tabs and so we can't actually see them. The German site has the same problem. I was really thinking it would get fixed immediately. Didn't expect to wait for it for so long.
Hopefully today it can be fixed? Please? Pretty please? Or at least acknowledged that there's an issue with our site and they're working on it.....on their new site, Elite Dollz, they write back to our forum posts really quickly and mark the topics as "reported" so we know they're being taken care of, and the bugs are fixed in no time flat. All of us here are waiting with bated breath to be able to dive into this delicious new store! (my French doll is luxuriating in all the new pretties available!)
I have reported this issue so let's hope it gets fixed soon.
Thanks, Fairykisses!
You are now able to try on the items, also they have added the other tabs as well.
OMG YESSSSS!!!!! Thank you so much Fairy *hug*
Hello girls!
Yes, it was a bug but is fixed now!
Thanks a lot Feerik for fixing this bug! Thanks a lot! :D