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14, I did it! For the part 2 of the game we can maybe do Sebastian vs. Claude and for part 3 Alois Trancy vs. Ciel Phantomhive!
Maybe. Since I only watched season 1, mine should be obvious
14, I hate Alois Trancy! >.<
That's him..
And his butler, Claude..
I hate them both!
I've seen the first 3 eps so I know who they are. I just don't know much about them (except that Aloise is a brat)
14, Alois Trancy is such a big brat!!! BIG BRAT! That's why I hate him so much! And he's so cruel!!!!! There's only 12 eps in season 2..
That little? Then I'll have to find time to watch it.
12, Yes.. Only 12 eps. I'll try to watch the 3rd season when I have time!
So there is a 3rd season?
10, I guess. If not, then in what season will Grell get his haircut.. Wait, let me go check.. If there is not a 3rd season I'll quit watching anime! That was a joke I would NEVER quit watching animes! NEVER!! But I'll get mad if there isn't!
I've searched and I didn't found the 3rd season!!!!! NOOOO!!!!!!!!! >.<
Last edited by saffirelle (31-07-2013 20:42:04)
I keep hearing yeas and nays. (just googled)
There is no season 3, yet. They want to make one, though.
6, Oh okay! Thanks a lot for reassuring me! I was gonna have a heart attack if I couldn't see my Devilish Hubby's face again!
In order to do that, you could always rewatch
Not that bad. I don't like re-watching stuff but some people do
2, i don't like rewatching stuff either.. The only thing I can do now is wait, wait and wait till they finally decide to make a 3rd season of BB.
Yep. (I thought about Big Brother for a min when I saw BB)
You do that, Rare.
1, Haha! No, I wasn't talking about Big Brother! But it reminds me that I have to seriously catch up.. :/
Last edited by saffirelle (01-08-2013 02:03:46)
Gajeel <3
100, Anyways! One more victory!!!!!!!! NANANANANA!!!
Gaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!! :aomd_bave: