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17 lolz Rare.
I think there were a couple to Leo...and one or so to your main. But I can't remember it...hmm...
It'd be my main mainly
17 hmmm...I think one of them was for winning something too...Easter egg maybe....or something.
$177 more and I'll be done with Stef's loft! I just went on her second spree.
Last edited by darkelfqueen (28-07-2013 01:41:06)
I'll just add a list of miscellaneous gifts.
Sweet ^_^
17 Lau however is gonna take a also needs to be mor.e lively
Still got a shopping set and half to get for Leo
17 hmm yeah. I've decided on the theme for Val's Terrace.
Whats the theme?
17 as cheesy as it roses...and on roof garden.
Sounds lovely actually. After Leo's loft, I'm gonna try to get feez so I can get her another room
17 oh nice! I got Lau a beach.And Val a bedroom and a terrace.
whats the bedroom theme?
17 My Main's bedroom is a Slytherin Commons (That's taking a while)
and Val's is a nursery/playroom
I never knew you had a link to my poetry!!
17 lolz. I always do! You're an amazing poet!! And I wanna help people see your awesome work.
wow..UH...thanks :ouf:
Hmm, I don't think I'll be able to do the Monsters University thing.
Last edited by spiderwick9 (28-07-2013 03:26:40)
Awe! How come?
1, I can't see all the pictures of the test, 2, I can't answer them(I have my hunches, but I hate random guessing).
I can give you a pm of the test and really, just answer what you can. Guess on what you can. It doesn't always matter. I know some of the questions are confusing, trust me, but I'm positive you can do it.
Well... I might as well try, right? Besides, I'll be in one of the dorms at least, if I get them all wrong.
A pm of the test would be great.
14 It's okay, Spi. We know that people would make mistakes,