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Are you reading?
You're breathing, aren't you?
Of course I am silly! :P
Let me guess.. Are you breathing? Unless you stoped... :P
Nope! :P
Viewing the layout I made for you?
Running around like a chicken with your head cut off?
@Saffirelle Thats' RIGHT! Except his name is CollinS Key. With an "S".
Hmmm...Let's to music?
@Bloody: LOL!! Nope, I am not! :lol:
Obsessing over Collins Key once again?
Deciding on where to move?
Drinking Milo all day long? ;D
Sadly, no :P
NO?! You're not drinking Milo?!!!!! For once you're not! :P
Nope, I am not dancing!
Singing "I am nuts and I know it!"?
Nope. I hate that dreaded tune :aomd_blase:
Are you the ohmydollz board? Hmm...
Dressing up your doll?]
@Angel: My brain took a break, so I stopped thinking! ;P
Hmm... are you... watching a movie?! (Totally random)
Listening to music?
Eating something?
Reading a book?
Sadly I'm not
Reading the above post?
Haha! Yup! :P
Drinking juice?
Nope! I want some now.
Checking your votes?
@Saffirelle YES! OMG! How in the WORLD did you know? LOL! But really, though. I'm multi-tasking. Saying I'm obsessing over Collins Key is like breathing. Of COURSE! But what ELSE am I doing?
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