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Take a guess, stalk their profile, already know their real name, have amazing interweb mind reading powers...
I feel like your name is Amy. I don't know why. It's just a thought
This is kinda not fair cuz I think a lot of people know my name XD Oh well...If you do know my name...then how about what you think my name is :D
Manaal!!! That's your real name right? :ok:
Lol yep! omg you actually spelled it right :D
Hummmm I don't know your real name (Or forgot it if you told me)
So you look (sound/type) like a...
Nope. Though that is a pretty name. :)
I think your name is... ... :honte: Katie??? (Manaal?) I have no idea.
Last edited by therealrose (30-07-2013 16:53:06)
Yay! I spelled it right! But nope.. My name is not Christy..
Kassandra! You've said that before I think..
Nope! It's not Sarah! i knew someone what gonna say that..
Last edited by saffirelle (30-07-2013 16:55:19)
bwahaha I know your name! but shall not say :) (It's Kassandra)
BUT! I thought your name was Alexandra
Lily? does it start with any of the following?
Last edited by angelfire (30-07-2013 16:56:15)
Varky has :ouf:
Rachel? (towards Saffi)
Last edited by bloodyemos (30-07-2013 16:57:02)
Don't ask, it just seems to fit you.
Keeley, right?
Nope and nope!
Okay.. Lets see.. Alexandra? I am sûre thats not it. :p
I sound like a Victoria, Spi? How royal.
Kassy <33 (I always wanted to call you that! :3)
I don't even know if that is a real name or not...but I use it as though it is.
Pretty close, Angel! :D
Manaal!! <3
Isabelle? I have no idea.
Malu, I actually go by Kassie at school.
What? Really? Hummm...
Lol yep!
Still close but not any closer, Angel! :D
Still Manaal <3 Unless you changed it in the past 5 minutes. O.o
Ugh now I want to know >.<
How about Malina?
I did 0.0 Guess my nickname?'re nickname...oh! I know!! TWIN! I'm right, right?
Kassandra!!! :D (I love your name!)
@Bloody: No! That's not it!
Thanks :ouf:
Annabelle? Hellen? Pam? Cindy? Stefanie? (I will eventually get it!)
None of them!