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Alice? Allison? Alyssa? Anna? Annie? Rashel? Cheyanne? Kaitlyn? Jessie? Erin? Lindsey? Erica? Carole? Cher? Maria? Kera? Kiara?
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no and NO!!!!!!
Don't forget bloody that you post one at a time! ;)
Really? One at a time? Wow...this'll take a while.
No! Yes it will.. take a very very long time!
How do we know if you aren't just saying to to every name we say? Hmmmm
It's not my name neither!
@Angelfire: Because they are not my name.. :P
No, that's not it! Try harder!
Can I at least try 2 or 3 at a time?
No, not samantha!
Okay.. only two!
Brittany? Heather?
let me see...
Might it be Mary?
(I have no idea why.)
No, it isn't Mary.
Does it start with A or a B?
(( this game should be called guess saff's name))
Last edited by angelfire (30-07-2013 23:01:23)
Nope, it doesn't start with A neither B.. i will maybe give a hint.. ;)
Hahaha! Lol! Guess saff's real name! :P
C or D?
Dorothy? (you know I learned how to spell that from the wiggles)
Yesh. Just rename this and call it "Guess Saff's Name"
I wonder how many parts ot takes to guess
It starts with a D.. But it's not Dorothy!
I think I've said my name to someone through the board.. I remember I did. But to who?
Debra? (Desprate)
You did 0.0 when?
Spanish name?
Not Debra or Dora! Really Dora! i hope you weren't thing of Dora the explorer! xP
I said it last year.. So maybe you girls don't remember..
I was thinking of Dora the Explorer when I read that...
Last edited by spiderwick9 (30-07-2013 23:18:03)
Your close Spider! Very close!
Hehe! me too! :)
I'm close? That's what I wanted to hear!