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I wonder what I look like... hmm...
I really think you look like that...
Do you look like this ? Even a bit ? Just a little ?
Can't... resist... must... OK IMA DO IT!
Mwarharharharhar! :lol:
@Icefoxes Lol! When I was in elementary school, which was about two years ago, my friends used to call me "Subbie" instead of "Sabby," which came from my real name, Sabrina. I don't know why... But still. One day, a student from China moved to our school, and he called me "Subbwee," instead of "Subbie." Someone heard the name "Subway," and everyone decided to call me that until a few years ago. It started in grade one, and finished in grade five, about. I was at school when I found out about this site, and we had free time, so my friends and I decided to create our dolls, and I wanted to put my nickname, "Subway," but it needed to be at least seven letters long or something like that, so I put a one after it, and it stuck! I just wish I could change my username... I don't understand why Feerik won't let us do this!
*P.S. Sorry for such a long story. :)
hmmmmm. Close enough, Subway?
@Darkelfqueen I wish! No, I don't look anything like that, but thank you very much!
Am I close ?
I look nothing like that!
:3 I'm just bein' silly.
Okay, then... If not her, then how about... Her ?
*P.S. Can the next person who posts on this game ACTUALLY post a picture of a REAL person ? Thank you! :)
lol ^^
Even the scarf is wrong though. I can't wear it like that ^^But I do have glasses! And a round face. And same skin tone too
Hmmm... So I'm kind of close! :)
As for you, the hair is very similar, actually... Very similar, indeed. :)
But the eyes... Much bigger and browner. But you've got the hairstyle!
So... Umm... Perhaps you look more like... This ?
But with the skin tone of the other girl ? And the face shape ? And the eyes ?
Last edited by subway1 (05-01-2014 03:55:13)
Kinda ^^ But both of those girls are arab ^^ I'm pakistani
Oh! I'm sorry, Angelfire! Do you wear a hijab, though ? 'Cause I typed that into Google... I'm so sorry!
Okay, so that nose... With the hair of the other girl... Just a shade darker... And the color of the eyes of that girl... But not exactly the shape. Hmm. Keep guessing!
I just wish other people would join this game!
Because I'm all out of ideas... Except for one! :)
Aha! I finally found you! :)
Not at all!
You got the hair color correct!
The hair color is somewhat right, Malu!
Hmm... How about... This ?
You got the hair right!
lol ^^ that's right ^^
Got the eyes right!
Ah not even close ^^
I wish, Malu! But no, not at all. Not the least bit close. :)
Last edited by angelfire (06-01-2014 00:59:35)
That's not me, but it sure does look like me, Angelfire! A lot like me, actually! :)
But not even close, Malu.
Well... I already know what you look like... But if I didn't, I'd say... This.
I WIN! Lol
Hmm..That looks sorta like me. Not really lol But the glasses are sorta right. But their black ^^