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I saw this on some other forums.
Basically you ask a stupid question and someone else provides an answer and another question.
Q: Who is old McDonald?
Q:How Do you like to move it move it?
A:.....(answer please!)
With chocolate sauce and ketchup!
Where did your nose go?
To a volcano!
How did the monkey eat the laptop?
With his feet.
How do i press a button
By eating it.
How do you make an elephant talk?
By talking to it.
What is the answer to this:
1 + 1= ?
What is Pigfarts?
WRONG! It's a window.
It's a thing that you know and I don't.
Where is the sky?
A: It only exists in a hole in the ground...
Q: is life a cereal? (I only have 4 second left in my brain!)
only Spi will get that.
Is the blue car red? (Thats my answer)
So...IS the blue car red?
If the blue car is red, the red car is lying to you.
Is there such thing as a Awesome?
(Lol, I got that one, Shadow!)
No but there is AN awesome
How many steps does it take to go to the bathroom?
Four blinks.
What is a question?
A) The very thing you're asking, silly
Q)How many fingers do I have?
Something that I block with curtains. :ouf:
Which came first the chicken or the egg?
The egg came then the chicken the egg then the chicken then the egg......then the chicken then the egg............
What is a brain?
A)A squishy piece of of the body
Q) Do dogs bark?
No they woof.
What happens when two black holes meet?
They shake hands.
To be or not to be?
That is the question.
Why is the sky blue?
Because it's sad.
Why am I here?
Because you're lost.
How do fishes sleep?
By sleeping.
What has it got in its pocketses?