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No, they come from Moon sand. Everyone knows that!
Where did Draco go ?
Well, they say he liked fire...
What is the answer to this question?
The right answer.
What did you do while playing the game?
Eat nachos and tacos and PB and J sammiches all at the same time.
What does this look like? ---> ?
A cow, chasing a goat, chasing a dog, chasing a cat, chasing a bird, chasing a spider, chasing a fly... hiding behind a question mark.
Can a snake dance the tango, or would it just count as bellydancing?
It can dance the mango.
Where do I hide the body?
In the underground tunnel.
What would happen if you were to drop everything now ?
My computer mouse would raid my fridge and run away because I abused it. I didn't mean to hurt you, little mouse! :pleur:
What is one plus infinity?
Last edited by icefoxes (09-02-2014 03:39:38)
What does the fox say?
It's none of your business.
Who are you ?
A blade of grass.
Can you scratch my back for me? I could get it myself but I don't wanna get out of my beanbag chair.
No, not ever.
What time is it ?
Whatever the time it is now
Where did you come from. Where did you go?
Cotton eyed joe
What's up with the chicken?
It's hungry :aomd_poule:
What's up?
The sky.
are you reading this question?
No I wasn't reading your question.
How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
What does the fries say?
Where's the pickled peppers Peter Piper picked?
In his tummy!
Where is wonderland?
In a dream.
Why are there so many songs about rainbows, and what's on the other side?...
Because rainbows are actually the ends of force fields that appear out of nowhere. Nobody can get to the other side. Ever.
Why is the sky blue?
because it dislikes the other colors.
why is my head spining?
It loves ballet!
Do you know who skin is?