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This games was inspired by the characters from Black Butler.
Pick a team and start playing! :D
Grell: -1
Sebastian: +1
Last edited by saffirelle (31-07-2013 19:49:24)
My gay husband <3
101, And for me: My devilishely hot husband! :aomd_bave:
I dunno...i like them both equally...i'll be switching here too. Sorry bloody.
103, Me too I love them both! But I need to stay loyal to my husband! ;D
Last edited by saffirelle (31-07-2013 20:30:14)
(103 Saffi)
It's okay Twin
I shall never fail my Grell. Never.
:aomd_bave: 103, And I shall never fail SEBBY!!! :aomd_bave:
103, BAD NEWS bloody.. THERE'S NO SEASON 3 OF BLACK BUTLER!!!! Can you believe it?! :non:
From what I've heard, I can.
I requested from your shop!!
103, Hihi, thanks! :)
There is no season 3, BUT: They are concidering makeing one right now, I believe. And season 2 is totally different from the manga, so they want people to read the manga. Maybe that's what'll happen in season 3.
Last edited by spiderwick9 (31-07-2013 23:14:54)
105, I prefer watching animes than reading mangas. It's more.. more alive!
I like them both equally
105, Not me.. I often get mixed up when I read mangas.. I am not sure on what side to start.. So I sometimes strat with the "end" and finish with the "start" because they are Japanese books and they start from the "back" and finish from the "front"... i am just confusing myself now! xD
Back to front, right to left. That's how they're read. Not confusing really.
105, I little for me.. I am not used to reading mangas.. So far I've only read one! I need to read them for often..
The more you read, the easier they are
He's hot but not like my Grell, Rare. At least I get more of him to myself.
It's true. You'll start reading everything from left to right afterwards...
That's fine. If Undertaker were in the picture it's be a whole another story.