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My WIA speaks my answer
106, i am totally crazy of your WIA!!!!!!! It's just.. just.. AWESOME! AMAZING! Just... PERFECT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :love: :love: :love:
It is. I love it. It's perfection at it's best. Way better than my last one. I have a tendency at adding a lot of stuff though, lolz
Then rewatch it!
107, I am thinking of sending a message/letter to the persons who makes the animes of BB (Black Butler, Not Big Brother!).. Should I?
I have like Bleach, Free!, K-On!, SnK and D.Gray-Manto watch.
So busy... I've also got some prizes left to do and a fan art piece I'm doing for these two gorgeous people in Instagram.
Hm, think of it in their perspective. They must get a lot of emails asking to continue with it. But I know for a fact that the thing that happens to Ciel at the end of season 2 doesn't happen in the manga, so I don't think they can really continue on from that.
109, I want to watch Bleach.. When I'll have enough time I will.
So today I have downloaded Paint Tool Sai (free trial) so I can start making some sketches and linearts but i was discouraged and uninstalled it right away.. :(
111, I don't know.. I've already installed it before.. I uninstalled it because I was discouraged. I can't make a lineart. So what's the point? :(
I feel so guilty having three animes at once. Let me think...
I just finished Ouran High School Host Club, so... Hunter x Hunter, Fullmetal Alchemist brotherhood, Darker than black. I guess that means only three.
Last edited by spiderwick9 (01-08-2013 03:15:36)
I can teach you of you'd like? I don't use SAI myself, but I can show you how I use these programs (they're pretty much the same). I can show you basic tips and things. Believe me, it took me about a year to understand it. Not only that? I found the almighty smudge tool just last week...
110, Okay Rare! I'd love if you'd teach me! :D
112, So usually use what program to make them?
114, Is it expensive (Photoshop CS6)?
116, What do you mean "if you pay for it"? Your not supposed to pay after the 30 days trial?
There's nothing wrong with that...I don't think anything on my computer is leagally downloaded...
But how did you get photoshop! I've tried every code i found >.< I can't break into it
119, I knew it! ;)
One of my friend downloaded illegally too! So how did you download it?
@Angelfire: I think you need to download something called UTorrent.. But don't downloading it right away. I am not very sure. We'll ask Rare. My friend that lives in England had Photoshop (she's a fashion designer) "illegally" and told me that she will try helping me with that. But sadly, she doesn't know how to do it. It's her cousin who did it for her.
Last edited by saffirelle (01-08-2013 15:30:04)
Ah, firstly you need a program called BitTorrent to download torrents, secondly, I didn't install it, my uncle did so I'm not sure how it's done entirely. Sorry. I know I found a free SAI really easily, I could try and find it again for you