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Interesting *takes notes* I shall figure out how to do it :)
There was a free SAI? Like someone had put up a free SAI to download?
123, Yes there is! :)
There is some videos on youtube that shows you how to install it and it the description box there is the link to the website.
@Rare: Do you think I should do this..? I am afraid that someone takes information from my computer and reports it and then "maybe" I go to jail. :P
*Continues scribbling down note*
I have to do this the moment I get a new computer.
125, I downloaded it once.. I think last year. But it's not my thing.. :/
I'm not going to say you'll be fine because my mother works for the police and yet she downloads a whole bunch of things... But I think it would be safe if you didn't. There some websites that can infect your computer if you're not careful. It's really difficult to explain, sorry. But I got a real nasty virus last year where I watched everything on my laptop uninstall and get deleted. It was not pleasant.
127, Oh.. :(
But If I have anti-spyware and anti-virus would it be okay?
Do you think most of the are virus infected?
129, So If I have the anti-spyware and anti-virus it should be safer?
Grell is sorta closer to Madame Red so..
Last edited by malu (10-08-2013 20:25:10)
Go Sebastian all the way! Let's go Sebastian! We can win this thing!
Dear god, I don't know who I like better anymore. Aha! For this turn I'll go up, then net I'll go down, and so on! It's perfect fangirl logic!
Hehehehehe...... I'll be back after drooling over these two.